The two-zero-ace-duice is among us and, wow, there is a mountain of work which must be done. This is the year of the "quantum leap" as well as that of the election, and quite frankly, I think I've lost that hope which was touted in for 2008. As I look forward to 2012, looking back at 2011, the past year would have to be the year of the dragon, namely halitosis due to the bad taste left in my mouth. In North Carolina, I witnessed politicians roll the dice like a game of Monopoly, playing Risk with nearly 40,000 plus unemployed/underemployed toy soldiers all in the name of good citizenry. Nationally, I've seen bickering over items which in my honest opinion are basic inalienable human rights, in particular the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Double digit inflation is the state of the nation and unless you are making at least fifty thousand, you are among the working poor. Gas vs. groceries, insurance vs. rent; these are the decisions you get to make, with a college degree. I still cannot forget the individuals who willingly commit crimes just to go to jail so that they would receive free room and board, plus health care. But for me, the biggest item on the agenda for 2012 would have to be the skewed visions of justice in the US court system, particularly, the lynching of Troy Davis vs the exoneration of Casey Anthony. I was floored in both cases, as there was a serious matter of reasonable doubt, the white woman went free and the black man was put to death. My president was silent, while I was dumbfounded. President Obama has stunned me on many accounts. I am beginning to believe that, he too is a politician; and like any good politician, he too will say what he needs to, in efforts to get re-elected. Make no mistake, he has impressed me with his anti terrorism campaign. He's taken out two extremist in one year. But domestically and racially, there is a lot that still needs to be done.