Monday, April 10, 2006

The pedestal placed virtous white woman

Dear Editor:
Echoing the sentiments of Professor Huston Baker, his call for the dismantling of the Duke Lacrosse team represents not only common sense but equally falls within the purview of the university’s honor code. Laced with charges of underage drinking, public urination let alone disturbing the peace, I ask are these really emissaries of the Ivy League? Even white people get White People Fatigue Syndrome, demonstrated by this deluge of police complaints. No question, white privilege is working hand in hand with a perceived entitlement of masculinity. That said, I wish not to indict these scoundrels but simply describe what it is they have done; behaved dishonorably towards other people. Additionally, let’s look at the issues of class and race. The late great Ray Charles could see that if the victim was a white woman attending UNC, the defense attorneys would be slow to attack her credibility, regardless of her chosen profession. In fact, there are plenty of scholarships available that protect the pedestal placed virtuous white woman from the hazards associated with dancing on a pole to get a degree. So again, money is the buffer and these players have been coached rather well by their defense attorneys. Even if these DNA test come up 100% negative, no one in this incident is completely exonerated. It means three things: 1) a crime took place on Duke University property, 2) the perpetrators are still loose, and 3) someone associated with this incident knows who the perpetrators are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.