Saturday, October 17, 2009

Out of Hibernation

On a whim, I decided to check my blogs and noticed I have not been posting in since forever. I have been through so much in the past few months that I really don't know where to begin. Lets start from the last posting. In June of 2009 I was released from my employment at Shaw University for charges I did not commit. Even funnier, I suffered through a whole lot of isht the entire summer -- part of me thinks I need to title this draft "cruel summer." Lets see job loss, household drama, court stuff and thats only one month. The interesting thing is that during all of that crap, I really noticed the importance of family and even extended family. When the job crisis broke, I had the backing of the faculty senate, as well as the dean and the assistant dean of the college of arts and sciences. Without going into too much detail, lets just say that was one of the elements which took me on three month odyssey into the insane.
In June a few weeks after being released, I filed the apporpate paperwork with AAUP, the press, a lawyer, SACS and anyone else who would listen. This was all done within a week. Also during that time, I got a present from the city of Raleigh. As it turns out, when you don't pay your parking tickets, the city gets a little upset with you-- that said, I got a nice boot on my truck. having been released from Shaw, and now facing a 350 boot removal fee, I did what any-self repsecting person who had been pissed off to the highest point of pistivity, I took the boot off my damn self. chalk this up to another one of the dumb moves I made in my life. Within two hours of living as a virtual outlaw I quickly realized I did the wrong thing. Chalk one up to morality and Newcastle beer. Once that minor situation was resolved I then had to rotate to the wife and boy coming back from a month in michigian. Going through job loss especially when you have been railroaded can take it's toll on a person. In my case I was having multiple setbacks which really set me back on my dissertation. In august I went through one life changing event after another. That said having gone through setback after setback I finally started getting drafts of the dissertation proposal off to my advisor. Flash forward to now Oct. Well things are working themselves out. Rt now I am recovering from the swine flu. So for now I am hanging in there before they hang me :-)

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