Cheating in the next room
My God, this must be the season for stupid moves by the democrats. John Edwards, whom I thought would be a good running mate for Obama got caught with his hands in the cookie jar. Can we get music ready and the flashing lights going again... Here we go, DAMN!!!! I'll be the first to admit that the probability of me running for any type of elected office is slim. That said, discretion is the key. If you know you that you have a checkered past, why run for the top office in the country, especially when our country is so desperately in need of change. Cheating is cheating and if you are married, you have singed on to be monogamous which means no indiscretions, no liaisons, and of course NO CHEATING!!!! That said, many skirt around the rule which pretty much explains why marriage counselors and divorce lawyers are still in business. Many of us won't have careers which will be public i.e. public servants. But, the power of whiteness prevails hence why we have the Teflon John syndrome. Because I am a white man, with power, with money with social status, I am Teflon John which translates into, I can get out of anything. What is ironic about this is how Edwards was busted. Not the Washington Post, the New York Times, not even the Daily Planet, but the National Enquirer, America's smut rag number 1. The National Enquirer, a tabloid who has a history of capricious, notorious, mind numbing fodder journalism cracked the case!! DAMN!!!! This is irony at its best. The national enquirer who has been the target of numerous lawsuits for over the top libelous stories and crazy paparazzi actually scored one of the biggest stories of the year. This is the type of stuff I would on cheaters or Maury Povitch. When we think about cheating itself, it's the thing has I guess has some type of a class status to it. We (as a public) really don't expect our top officials to do it let alone get busted by the National Enquirer. The people we are used to seeing get busted are those who represent the lower economic class status. These would be the same people we see getting busted on cops. But Edwards got busted in the process of creeping w- a possible love child. All that aside he will pay a high price in the court of public opinion. Like I said, it had the potential to do great damage to the democratic party. Getting back to my case on the Teflon John-- he obviously didn't get away with it but the shear arrogance that was displayed not only by him, but others who have walked this road suggest that these actions represent more than a set of isolated cases. "I'm large, I'm in charge," represents a philosophy that is inbred. When you have money, these aren't problems, but more so just the cost of doing business. If I creep, I'll just go to my cheating account and pay the person off. This could be argued as a means of expressing masculinity. In actuality, at least from this POV, its tacky. Just be a man about it and tell your wife, I want to creep (if you are that bold). Better yet, ask for divorce or why not stop the trouble before it starts and not get married. If you do get married, do what it takes to stay married, be the person your spouse fell in love with from the jump and eliminate the middle man or woman all together. It's idealistic and not realistic and I know this. I have to give credit where credit is due; Bernie Mac God Rest His Sole stayed married for 30 years. Now I know they may have had beef, but the beef never made the public streets.
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