Were I White For Just One Day
--Thinking about that, particularly from the perspective of a "post modern neo white abolitionist" (don't ask me, I literally just thought that one up) what would I do with it. Going back to my thesis on whiteness, what does it mean, for me thinking about that, I would have to go back to notion of invisibility. Being white, in America, means one has a cloak of invisibility and a stamp of normalcy. Being white means that I have complete access to resources and can go places as calm as I please. Being white means I am able to drive my car with the vehicle registration plate expired and not have to have heart palpitations when a police officer drives behind me. Being white means I'm not suspect. It's an invisible power that political, social, economical, legal and even sexual ramifications. Lets dissect this thing for a second or so. DuBois stated at the turn of the 20th century that the biggest issue facing America was the issue of color. Color, in the context of the United States, operates on a caste system of sorts. The color white has been placed at the top of the color hierarchy. If an inanimate object is white, it's virgin, pristine, positive. The antithesis of course is not white or more common black. To be black is to be vile, dark, sullen, negative. Exploring the politics of color and caste, the black white binary has power through its long history in American popular culture. Because of the gross miss association of white and positivity, this misnomer becomes historicized and ultimately normalized through various structures which in turn feed into a cultural capital. This cultural capital I would like to refer to as simply propaganda, which Chompsky discusses. Examining how media inundates an uncritical audience to the nuances and power of the politics of the color discourse, we find that those who are in power have absolutely nothing to gain by challenging the current operation of business. To challenge a structure that that is self promoting would be sociological suicide. Just as in critical race theory, there no meritocracy in white supremacy. Oppressors simply do not stop oppressing just for the sake of goodness and humanity. It would erode the power base and simply put, using Mylesspeak, "it would be too much like right." No to be white for one day is what is sold to African Americans, Latino Americans, and others who are not in model minority status.
To be Continued..
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