I've been away for a while due to some circumstances beyond and within my control. Its a dichotomous I know but trust me, it's this thing called life. Some basic updates:
1) I have finally hit Ph.D. candidacy status!!!! This translates into being what is called ABD, all but dissertation or All But Dead..
2) I am going through some personal issues that I really can't talk that much about due to the sensitive nature of the topic. Just know that I am breathing taking days one day at the time.
3) My research focus will change a bit. I am going to add the topic of Black Male Abuses. Please understand that this is not to by any means disavow brothers of our innate inherent responsibilities, but it is intended launch another layer to my discourse--not only show men, brothers in particular are abused in the legal system, but also a means as to become one's own advocate.
4) Fitness: Without one's health and strength, one has nothing. I believed this then and I believe now so a portion of this blog will also address my fitness walk--not just physical, but psychic, economic and political.
So in essence the new year has brought new topics and challenges to be explored. Lets not forget, the Ph.D. is most important as well as being billable as one of my friends says.
The challenge that was issued to me was can I use my Ph.D. to have a six figure salary and still have my summers off. Mind you this comes from one who has their Ph.D. who makes six figures but does not have their summers off. When someone issues me a serious challenge to me, I never back down, and 9 times out of ten, do everything I can--probably out of pure defiance-- to prove them wrong. So that's the goal!!!!!!!!
I want to take time to thank those who have helped me during my time of crisis I look forward to paying it forward..And now for the picture of the week.... For those who didn't believe I actually flew back and forth to DC on a regular basis, well here is the proof. This picture was taken on my flight to DC to defend my dissertation proposal. Enjoy!!!!!
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