Where do I begin? Its only 11:00 and already I am like shook. I mean my day is really shook. In the most innocuous of places, I would never expect to be subject the the ill of the most ill type of White Folk, the fanatical white folk. I was going to dicks sporting goods today because I needed another pair of compression shorts for running. I mean they also keep my fat legs from rubbing together and chaffing. Anyhow, I had to go the restroom. (In the process of detoxing my body to some degree-- I call it a type of spring cleaning where I go meatless for like a month and really eat more fruits and veggies and drink more water) Ok so you can put two and two together and realize that my need to go was a bit more urgent than normal. After paying for my merchandise I located the restroom and promptly took my seat. Closing the door I was face to face with a damn swastika with the caption of white power carved in the damn door. I'm going to say it because it's obvious, shitty place to be, shitty thing to see while doing my business. I had a nice bowel movement but still I was sick to my stomach because my experience, with really should be free from any politics-demoncrat, republican, libertarian, racist, liberal, racist, conservative, i really just want to do my business free from politics, free from hassles. I'm a simple man, all I need is some privacy and toilet paper. The political commentary I can really do without.
I think what had me most offended was the fact that the this went unknown in store for a number of days. I mean, you would think that somebody in the store (i.e. a store employee) would, have said something to the store management well in advance of this. What is even more frightening to me is that I could have had my son with me. Now knowing me, I would have immediately blocked so he wouldn't have to see it at the tender age of three. Then I think there is the geographic politic at work here as well. I see a symbol of hate, in a sporting goods store which sells firearms. Lets not forget I am in a southern state as well. -- Racist idiots can go from the restroom and then walk to the hunting lodge and go buy a riffle. Chalk on up for the NRA-- the Negro Removal Association. -- Granted that may be a bit dramatic and over the top however, we do live a world where high school students can go into school and shoot up the place, a socially disturbed student in college can get a handgun and go blasting on a college campus, a major, who is a psychologist in the US Army who doesn't want to go to Iraq can get his sidearm and go shoot up a military base, or a disgruntled faculty member can go in her purse, get her peace, and shoot up the place because she is denied tenure. I mean, from my prospective, in the grand scheme of things, feel this is miniscule, a grand of sand on the beach called life. But as I say that, someone has to step up and step out of line. When I brought the matter to the attention of the acting store manager, immediately he gave me the eeoc speech, Oh as a company we do not tolerate anything like this, I am so sorry, we will work to have the problem corrected. I stood there because I was stunned. I mean he did what was in his power to some degree to assuage the acute problem. I think maybe I am just highly sensitive because of the psychic and symbolic assault on my mind. I feel hypersensitive rt now just seeing white folks because now, at least for the next few hours, I am going to see that swastika, the white power caption, which is hate speech, in a quasi public/private place.
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