This is the first night big man and red cheif have pitched tent at camp payarnise. Red cheif was surprisingly impressed. He enjoyed the two story climb to the apt nicknamed Paranyse. Ok I know I murdered the spelling. I bought the first items for the place.
like detergent some basics. Rebuilding I am learning is a process. You have to start small and work your way up. I guess I can celebrate the small victory of buying cutlary. I think the next thing will have to be dishes and cups. Today was intersting in a well twisted sort of way. I think I have come to the conclusion that my coparent is going to be a problem unless she can get on board. Today Red Cheif wanted to stop by and say hello to his mother. I was a bit reluctant but I am really having to remember what is in the beat interest of the child. (Brothers this is a phrase you must remember if you ever go through this type of transition you must always put your child first even if it hurts you) In talking to her, little boys will be big boys when they think they can. Red Cheif said it's ok daddy, I'm going to stay with mommy. Looking at the mom who is kinda smilling my sunglasses and my steel jaw did not even move an inch to the left or right. It was just deadpan. In her mind I'm thinking she beleives she's going to have some extra time with him thinking that he chose her over me. My reaction was a low toned reminder of our custody agreement. Again, I don't make a scene, no drama I just ease on. When I return I make a small inquiery about a belt for him because his pants are falling. Needless to say I don't get a belt (despite the fact I have bought him three). The next thing I ask about is the collection of my property. She retorts back with aren't we to communicate through our lawyers? I remind her that I have been and then of course there is a blow off. (note to the brothers: patience is a virtue and an absolute must. Transition is worse than 110th street. Leaving with my dignity in tact I do what I can do and leave. Red Cheif and I have just started on a new adventure and well, as one door closes another one opens. I may never know the real reason why things are as they are, I just know they are. I can only say that for me, what is most important is the image I model for my son, a man who is honest, hard working, willing to take a few on the chin, but making things happen for him to insure his future. As long as I have his respect, everything else is gravy.
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