May 12, 2010 this is the day I will bring my legislators to task.. For those who have been following-- I am carving out time to actually engage myself in the political process. DVPOs in the state of North Carolina are just plain OOO=out of order. It is astonishing how ones life can be turned completely upside down when they are accused of domestic violence. Getting back to my friend who suffered financial and emotional trauma, I have decided to become his advocate. The first thing on my list of to dos is to locate his local representative. This might be harder than trying to pull teeth out of an awake alligator. However, being a friend to those who have no friends requires some due diligence. Additionally, I think I am going to bring a little media attention to the problem by writing an op ed piece about the problem. When people are falsely accused and run through the meat grinder called the court system, it really is endemic social Darwinism. If my friend had his druthers, he would do away involving the courts in domestic issues. I have yet to see one lawyer take a real stand to keep families together and try to patch the problems of families on the brink of separation or divorce. Of course I realize it really is not the job of the lawyer to function as a family therapist. That said, I also take the stand that lawyers should not act like undertakers in the hood, waiting for the next body to die. Yet I digress. In my friend's case, ironically, the same lawyer who was the hired gun by his estranged wife is now running to be a judge. When he shared this information with me i was floored. This person who who was more interested in dissolving a family now seeks the power to sit on the bench and send people to jail.

This is the woman's website: http://www.catherineforjudge.com/.
I wonder is there away to find out what she would do to reform the DVPO structure in the city, let alone the state. So we need to put that on the list of things to do. Again the key is accountability. What are some of the recommendations to the system my friend and I would suggest? I am glad you asked!!! First allow me to share with you this link. I plan to present a copy of it to the folks I plan to question about this problem: http://www.hg.org/article.asp?id=6008. In West Virginia, their court system offers the following:
http://www.ncdsv.org/images/Remedies%20for%20False%20Swearing_WVCADV_1.15.08.pdf. Maybe if those who knowing make false allegations of domestic violence and child abuse faced some real penalties: ie. jail time, fines, court costs, attorney fees, maybe just maybe episodes like my friend encountered would really be minimized and the right resources could be used to heal families in crisis.
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