Monday, May 12, 2008

Cool hand Luke 98

Cool Hand Luke 98

The movie cool hand luke to me I consider a piece of white comedy. Don’t get me wrong, the acting is masterfully done. But as I watch that movie I kinda laugh because to me it shows, well at least attempts to show, white folks being oppressed by white folks. To me that is comedy at it’s best. How do people in power, oppress other people in power? Mathematically, it just doesn’t add up. Now in my version of cool hand luke, where I am luke aka JOB, I spent many a night in the box. The box for those who aren’t too familiar with prison work gangs represents solitaire confinement under the worst conditions. In my case, I was sent to the box almost every other day. In this particular episode, as usual, the bitch and I had a conflict. Again being overworked, with no assistance, and no safety net as well as one foot in the unemployment line and the other on a banana peel it was only a matter of time before I slipped. Enter the month of September. Something happened, I can’t really recall specifically what, but it was enough to make Diane decide to issue another letter of reprimand. Being that she already taken me to the virtual whipping tree once before (disciplinary hearing) she pretty much had me where she wanted me. Lets run down the list: warning, suspension, 2nd warning, what else could there be? In her typical style, she left the letter stating what I had failed to do in an envelope on my desk and had left for the day. In short it documented the occurrence listed previous issues and then ordered me to a pre-diciplinary conference scheduled for Monday where the consequence would be immediate dismissal. Reading this I just imploded. To me, the game was over. I remember reading it to one of my friends Corey who worked in the security department. As I read it, tears started coming from nowhere. Then I started breathing heavily. Things started getting fuzzy and I started to breath uncontrollably until I could only put pieces of what was happening to me. I heard EMS come through the door of where I was laying down. Riding through the corridor on a stretcher. Being in the cardiac unit of Duke University Hospital. Was I having a heart attack? Was this a stroke? What was going on. As they were about to admit me they felt that I had suffered a panic attack more than anything else but wanted me to follow up with another cardiac specialist just to be on the safe side. In my heart and mind, I knew it was stress and the job. Here I was 28 having panic attacks. Something had to be done. Something had to change in a big way. The way I saw it, staying was not an option. I gave myself a day or so to let everything clear out in my head and finally the letter was written. It was short and to the point, I quit. Of course there were the faux nice factor but simply put, I could no longer take it. I slipped my letter of resignation on her desk as I went to lunch. Coming back, I saw the toothy grin coming towards me like a beefy great white shark. I understand and I think it’s a good decision. Within my one hour of going to lunch and turning in a resigination, the word spread like the 49er gold rush. Everybody knew. Even the fair-haired boy Alex who was working pretty much for Diane. It was almost like vultures showing up after the kill. Hey Russell I hear you just quit, let me go tell my friend who needs a job. Damn. As I went to tell my more closer associates the reaction was heartbreaking to some. In fact one person came to tears. Then there was one other person who had gone through a similar issue but decided to take the school to court. I remember her saying, how can help her if I’m not on the inside getting information. This made sense. So giving myself a little more time to consider my actions I decided to that a two pronged approach was best. First, I submitted a letter resending my resignation. I remember walking into Steve’s office, the director of academic programs.

“I guess you have heard the news.”

“Yes Russell I have, are you ok, I mean are you going to be alright?”

“Sure, I think I’ll be fine. In fact, after careful reflection I sincerely believe that Diane and I can really work through our disagreements, therefore I am giving you this letter resending my resignation.”

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