Saturday, May 13, 2006

MY S&M Days

R. Robinson
Instructional Technologies

Never one to rain (drip drip drip) or reign (to govern) on anyone’s parade, I feel impassioned to make a statement on the tee shirts I’ve seen worn by members of the senior class. Taking the logo of a popular candy bar and modifying its name to celebrate a life changing milestone is a clever example of ingenuity. On the surface, it’s a nice laugh. However, the underlying pretence may allude to a façade that may mask a visage that grins and cries. Is the class 2 O-OOOO2 facing a world that is a plethora of nihilism and destruction? With the economy at a brand new low, the unemployment rate at a brand new high and the real world looking like a Tom Clancy novel or a Jerry Berkhimer movie, a logical answer would be a simple yes. Having said that, in today’s time, is mediocrity a celebratory cause? Our institution is analogous to the Olympic training camp in Colorado. Athletes are trained among the best to be the best. Enter the candy bar, Slackers. In the last leg of the race, a runner realizes he’s going to come in dead last at the Olympics. It dawns upon him, I gave up everything: 10 years of junk food, late parties, let alone a significant other to come in dead last. But I’m proud and pleased to come in dead last because I’m the Slackers poster child. Granted I’m the first to admit that life is too serious to be taken seriously; but at the same time as one laughs, one shouldn’t be the butt of the joke. Let us not forget the complete ad campaign for this tee shirt the class of 2002 is wearing: Not Going Anywhere for a While? Try a Slackers, whoops, I mean Snickers.


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