Monday, June 05, 2006

Comments on the Duke 44

Welcome to my world

orginally published June 3rd 2006 Durham Herald-Sun

Reading John McCann's column asking if the 44 other lacrosse players can go back to "normal," I have to respond with a witticism from my late grandfather about the "the devil's advocate." He'd say, "de devil don't need no advocate," and, in this case, I strongly agree.

Further, this issue of "normal" begs definition. What is "normal" and who has the luxury of defining what is "normal" within this society? Does it mean returning to a life of white male privilege with impunity? If so, never let their lives be normal again.

This pseudo/macho "Tom Cruise/Clint Eastwood" emblem of normal must go with all deliberate speed. Could it be that the "Duke 44" now must wear the scarlet letter linking them to an episode so disgustingly vile that it would make their grandmothers cry? Or does it mean that the "Duke 44" now and forever shall be presumed guilty before they are proven innocent? In a word, yes. Is this a bad thing? Maybe. Did I write the rules to this game? No.

However, this is in fact what American justice looks like -- the American Express race card, where membership has its privileges. No professor at Duke or N.C. Central could teach them this valuable lesson in critical and arguably critical race theory. The lesson is what it is like to be among the marginalized, the "not normals," in short, the stigmatized. Welcome to my world.



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