Thursday, April 12, 2007

OK So I can't please everybody

Brother Russell, many of your comments about women and particularly these women are just as hurtful as the comments Imus made. Your comments “These women are muscular, athletic, have as many tats as Tupac, wear cornrows and may even be majority lesbian” is an insult in itself and as a result, I didn’t see the need to read the remainder of your comments.

I think Bro. Robinson's comments are seriously lacking in depth and relevance, e.g., why would i call the aclu on my Black grandmother? How does such a statement from my Black grandmother compare to a white man's disrespect of Black women?
I think Bro. Robinson's comments are indicative of a conversation that is needed-- one that attempts to answer the question: Has the assimilationist framework of education in this country "tricked" some Black intellectuals into believing that racism is a thing of the past and racist comments, such as Imus', are figments of our imagination?
We need to realize that the subtlties of racism are designed to put us in a state of Black nihilism, in which such statements by racists such as Imus are downplayed and downgraded as nothing but a mistake or a misunderstanding. I think Bro. Robinson's comments are sad examples of a black bourgeoisie mentality that will kill us all if it isn't curtailed. This brother(?) actually seems more critical of Blacks like Sharpton and Dyson, who questioned Imus' inappropriate statements, than he does of Imus. Goooootttttt dammmnnnnn!!! If those "nappy-head hoes" had been White, Imus would be put to professional (and perhaps physical) death! 2-week suspension my ass.

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